Are You Prepared To Go To Jail For Defending Yourself?
The times have changed and now you are treated like the criminal if you are called upon to defend yourself. Meanwhile the offender is treated as the victim!
So, what options do you have for defending yourself, your loved ones and even a third party without throwing away your entire life and everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve, FOREVER ?
The ANSWER: non-lethal tools that will keep you safe. Make the attacker regret choosing YOU as a victim. Everyone gets to go home in one piece to tell their story. Well you’ll go home while the attacker goes to jail even if just for a couple of hours!
What makes a criminal so dangerous is his mindset. His preparation and willingness to DO whatever hit takes to accomplish his evil intent also adds to the threat. The difference between them and you is that you do not live your life thinking about doing harm to others.
You believe that if you are a good person, then violent things will never happen to YOU! The problem with this logic is that you are EXACTLY what the BAD GUY is looking for. Remember, the criminal does not want resistance from their chosen victim. They want to get in out with as little WORK as possible! If they wanted to work, guess what? They ‘d get a freaking JOB!
Well, there is a way that ANYONE, regardless of size or stature can neutralize an attack. They may be bigger, faster or stronger than you. But you can still stop them flat without using deadly physical force (DPF). This way you or a family member does not have to face MURDER charges for defending yourself.
Self-Defense is your right and no one can take that away from you. But as we have seen more and more recently, these dirty Politicians, DA’s and Judges do not want to see normal, law abiding citizens defending themselves. The bodega clerk, for example, Mr. Jose Alba was arrested and charged with MURDER. Even though there was clear video footage that he acted in self-defense.
He was spared the injustice of having to defend his actions in a court of Law which would have cost him and his family tens of thousands of dollars in Legal Fees. I’m sure they did not have the means to provide this defense. Thanks to the community and the fact that everyone saw what actually happened, hewas released
The Manhattan DA, Mr. Alvin Bragg saw it fit to arrest Mr. Alba, age 61, for the murder of Mr. Austin Simon, 35. He was clearly manhandling the older and smaller bodega clerk and had also trespassed behind the counter where he assaulted the older gentleman.
Well, enough said on this case. It is tragic and a horrible ordeal for anyone to have to face. If instead of the knife, Mr. Alba had the opportunity to prepare for this disgusting eventuality with non-lethal tools such as a stun gun, pepper spray or any of the many other tools available he would have been able to safely extricate himself from this situation and gone somewhere safe while he waited for Police to arrest Mr. Simon, yet again!
My number one priority is to spread awareness of safe living and train any and all that come my way with these needs. Many have trained with me in Seminars or Workshops that I Have taught to share the over 40 years and tens of thousands of dollars I have spent to obtain those skills.
I don’t say this to pay homage to myself. I say it to help you understand that I have the skills and the knowledge to guide you towards better options available to you. I offer to you pepper spray for your keychain, keychain impact weapons such as kubotans and shar-keys, stun guns of various sizes and voltages, batons as well as EDC knives with spring assist or automatic action.
I’ll give you an example of how people see some of these tools. I often hear about stun guns, “oh, I don’t want to get that close to the opponent”. “OK, good,” I answer. “So How Close Do You Think You Opponent is Gonna Get To You While He Is Trying To Pummel Your Face In Or Stab You In The Neck?”
All of my family members proudly carry these tools so that they stand a much better chance of coming back home just like they left…in one piece! It gives me peace of mind to know that they can defend themselves and not have to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend their actions in front of a corrupt DA and a bunch of asshole jurors who would probably do the same thing under the exact same circumstances.
The time to decide is NOW. Don’t wait until you or a family member is faced with the deadly savagery that is now way too common in today’s society. Protect yourself and your loved ones and let’s all LIVE FEARLESSLY which is the goal that I strive to help you all achieve in your own lives as I have in mine!
David Rodriguez (Retired BTO)
Cell: 347-276-3313
Website: www.tacticalgearplus.com
Email: dave@tacticalgearplus.com
P.S. If you would like me to come by your facility with some samples of what I offer, please email, call or text me and I’ll be happy to arrange a visit. You can get a few co-workers together and enjoy a shopping frenzy as I know you will find the cool gadgets exiting and lifesaving.
Also, for your information, stun guns, pepper spray and most of the other items I sell are legal in New York City. Websites like Amazon and other popular sites will not ship to you in New York because they are afraid of liabilities. I WILL ship your items or personally deliver them to you. I LIVE FEARLESSLY and will make certain that you and your family have choices other than lethal force to protect yourselves!