A Few Things You Didnt Know About Confidence That Can Change Your Life

Confidence, Courage, Self-Confidence -

A Few Things You Didnt Know About Confidence That Can Change Your Life

Blog – Confidence


It is only necessary to have courage,

For strength without self-confidence is useless.

Giacomo Casanova


Where does Courage get its footing? It all begins with confidence. But how do you get confidence? That is what I am going to explain in this article. You must attain familiarity with a topic or circumstance in order to become confident in your abilities to handle it.

Definition - confidence: (n.)  1. freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.


Nobody can make you feel inferior without

Your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt


You tend to be more confident in areas you are more familiar with or even expert in. Therefore, it stands to reason that if you feel less confident in a certain arena, become more familiar and learn as much as you can, and confidence will increase. A simple example of this is in the area of public speaking. Many people are terrified of speaking in public. If you face this fear by putting yourself right smack in the middle of this situation, you will find that it becomes easier every time you do it.


With each step you take, you will grow stronger

And stronger, more and more skilled, and more

Self-confident and more and more successful.

Mark Victor Hansen


The same goes for the field of self-defense. Most normal people are afraid of violence. The most practical defense in any bad situation is to avoid getting into it to begin with. This is not always an option though.


Giving people self-confidence is by far the

Most important thing that I can do. Because then

they will act.

Jack Welch


How do you become more apt to defend yourself or a loved one then? First you must learn the different ways that violence can happen. Becoming familiar with the subject is always a great start. Then you must practice tactics and principles that you can employ if violence ever comes your way.  I always quote the Samurai proverb that it is better to be a warrior in a garden than it is to be a gardener in a war.


I was always looking outside myself for

Strength and confidence but it comes from

Within. It is there all the time.

Anna Freud


You need not look far to find your self-confidence. It is within you. All you must do is let it feed off the knowledge you gain by learning and growing as a person and the confidence will grow alongside of you. It is totally unstoppable and unavoidable. Just do not let doubt stand in it’s way and watch it blossom. Having faith, in yourself and in a higher power are key to watching your confidence grow to epic proportions.


Self-confidence is the key to the universe.

Carol Wrackley


The answer, actually, to any of your concerns, doubts, worries, feelings of inadequacy or lack of health, wealth or anything else lies within you and you alone. There is nothing that you can’t achieve or resolve by using your thoughts, attitudes and actions. With this principle or universal law in mind, move forward and achieve all that your heart desires including but not limited to self-confidence.


What lies behind us and what lies before us

Are tiny matters compared to what lies with us.

Henry S. Haskins


As I stated earlier, in order to gain confidence, you must train or learn that which you lack the confidence in. So, a big part of conquering this issue is preparation.  By preparing, you not only gain confidence, but you will find success also as an added bonus.


One important key to success is self-confidence.

An important key to self-confidence

Is preparation.

Arthur Ashe


Characteristics of Confident People

When your goal is to become more confident, it can be helpful to

understand the characteristics of someone who is self-confident and someone who is more insecure. Here are just some of the differences between the two.  (This chart was downloaded from Very Well Mind)






Confidence is a habit that can be developed

by acting as if you already had the confidence

you desire to have.

Brian Tracy


There you are. Now you are armed with all you need to develop self-confidence and so much more. Start today, right now, to make the necessary changes and watch your life change too.  Good luck and please contact me to let me know that this has helped you. It is my one desire to help as many people as would allow me to do so.


Dave Rodriguez





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